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2024 Memorial Day Mission

2024 Memorial Day Mission

Memorial Day Mission: Exclusive Giveaway & Sale

You’ve been selected for an exclusive mission this Memorial Day.


Mission Brief

Your mission involves these 2 steps:

1. Submit Your Drop Story

Submit your best phone drop survival story in the comment section of this blog post.

2. Send The Mission Code

Text SHADES to +1 (510) 394-3578


Exclusive Sale Access

By participating in this crucial mission, you'll also unlock the exclusive Memorial Day Sale coupon code, sent to you via text. This code is your key to significant savings, available only to those daring enough to accept this mission.


Mission Winners

Mission will be closed May 27, 2024 at 11:59pm Eastern Time.

We will select the winners based on the completion of the two-step mission brief and the most interesting drop story. Winners will be contacted by our agents on May 29, 2024.


Join The Mission Now

Previous article Comparing Phone Case Materials: Which is Right for You?


Scott Henry - May 27, 2024

I’m a school bus driver and as I got off my bus one morning while doing my pre-trip my phone slipped out of my belt pouch and I didn’t notice that it had and was on the bus garage floor. I continued my inspection and as I came around the front of my bus, the bus next to me was backing out. I saw something shoot across the ground toward my bus, it was my phone z flip 5. The front tire caught the edge of my phone and launched it across the floor. I thought oh no, but there was absolutely no damage. First thing I thought about was how glad I was that i >purchased this case. Thanks to the great quality and durability of your product, my phone was unscathed.

Carolyn - May 27, 2024

While running around getting final decorations for Valentines day at work, I couldn’t find my S23 ultra phone with the nautical slim case. Drove home to find it with no luck. While driving back to work, I heard a thump on trunk of my car and for an instant I saw my phone flying into traffic behind me. No less than 6 cars ran over it as I watched the phone fly up and land too many times to count, and I resigned myself to knowing I would have to buy a new phone. By some grace or miracle, there is only a slight scratch on side of the case. Thank you Ghostek!!

Brittany - May 27, 2024

I had just barely gotten my Motorola Razer HD and it was red. That phone was so freakin nice and one while hanging out with some friends we were leaving this secluded park/lake area and I was the driver. We were putting all of our stuff away, got in and took off. Like 3 minutes later I’m like where’s my phone. Friend says last time I saw it you put it on top of the car… Flipped a btch with a quickness so actually find it some feet away absolutely obliterated. And it this time I even put a case on it but it was no use.

Kevin - May 27, 2024

I was using my Galaxy S3 at the bus stop and when the bus came I quickly tried to put in my jeans pocket when it slipped out of my hand and went flying across the bus shelter and the screen smashed into pieces. It was an expensive bus ride.

Tamsen - May 27, 2024

I used to work as a professional photography model as well as being a freestyle dancer. As a result I would get invited to company events of all types. One such event included a tour of a Sulphur plant which wouldn’t have been so bad except that there were two Very high towers that were included in my brief education of the work the men and women put into their jobs. Between these towers is a metal mesh catwalk that made me feel as though there was nothing solid beneath my feet. The Only time in my Entire life that any height ever bothered me. My head began to swim as though I was about to pass-out and I stumbled catching myself by grabbing the guardrail before I went down completely. As I reached out, my phone fell from my pocket. I can only guess at the exact number of feet but was told it was about 100 feet up. If it weren’t for my Ghostek CASE and the minute factor of my phone falling into the Sulphur that covered everything in varying pules I’d of had nothing but a shattered mess left that wouldn’t have been good for anything. So when the company claims their cases only protect to a 12 foot drop, I can and do verify that depending on circumstances they can protect my phone from So much more. Health issues have kept me bedridden for quite some time now and is the only reason I’ve not had a case for my new phone, updated only because of the tech. Thanks to Ghostek, I was able to trade in my phone, getting maximum financial return because their case kept my phone flawless.
Thank you Ghostek and I look forward to the protection your case will provide for my new S24 Ultra.

Chigozie - May 27, 2024

My toddler (kachi) is a year and half (18months) and she developed this attitude of dropping things so you can pick them up. It’s like a game to her and she enjoys doing it. I guess it’s her way of getting your attention and play. She occasionally drops her drinking up when ever you’re feeding her, so you can pick it up amongst others things.

This particular day she picked my phone up while it was ringing. She was trying to answer the call and saw me coming at her. She quickly ran to the balcony sliding door threshold and dropped the phone. Unfortunately, the phone hit some stuff, bounced and slide through the lower railings of the balcony and fell three stories down.

Shocking right!. To my surprise the phone was fine, only the screen protector was damaged. Apparently, the neighbors garden plants on the ground floor had broken the fall.

NICK - May 27, 2024

I was out longboarding and was heading down a hill phone in hand recording and half way down the hill a truck comes flying up behind me I hit a rock and got a little squirly and started bobbleing my phone not once but 3 times catch it on the 4th only to struck by the truck from behind slammed into the truck then flew a little bit hit the road and broke 6 ribs and my clavicle and had a massive brain bleed and the truck speed off leaving me in the middle of the road.
I came to in the hospital and the nurses told me I still had my phone in hand not even a scratch and would not let go of it, they had to pry it out of my hand. Apparently I was that committed to not ending up with yet ANOTHER broken phone.. lol
The driver of the truck was never found sadly..

NICK - May 27, 2024

I was out longboarding and was heading down a hill phone in hand recording and half way down the hill a truck comes flying up behind me I hit a rock and got a little squirly and started bobbleing my phone not once but 3 times catch it on the 4th only to struck by the truck from behind slammed into the truck then flew a little bit hit the road and broke 6 ribs and my clavicle and had a massive brain bleed and the truck speed off leaving me in the middle of the road.
I came to in the hospital and the nurses told me I still had my phone in hand not even a scratch and would not let go of it, they had to pry it out of my hand. Apparently I was that committed to not ending up with yet ANOTHER broken phone.. lol
The driver of the truck was never found sadly..

Dave Taylor - May 27, 2024

I own a seamless gutter company and I was 2 Story’s up on a ladder and went to answer the phone and dropped it on the concrete and was glad to have your case cause it didn’t even scratch or break my phone

Jared Pack - May 27, 2024

I was cleaning a tank in the chemical plant I work at and when I pulled my phone out of my pocket it slipped from my hand and fell between the openings in the grating of the walkway. It fell about 30ft to another walkway and bounced off of it landing about 40-50ft onto the concrete below. I have a Samsung Z Fold 5 that is very very expensive and just knew it would be definitely cracked or completely broke. To my absolute shock when I picked it up it worked fine with absolutely NO damage or cracks and the only thing was a scuff mark on the Ghostek case I have!!! I also about 2 days later backed over it with a fully loaded liquid vacuum truck weighing 65-75000 lbs and again just a scuff on the case. I will only be buying and recommending Ghostek phone cases from here out!!! Thanks Ghostek for making extremely high quality and durable products, you are definitely in a league of your own!!!!

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